


Sharon is the co-founder of Simetri Pilates Studio and serves as the head trainer. Before becoming a Pilates Instructor, Sharon was dancer/choreographer. She was a member of Philippine Ballet Theatre and Airdance company respectively.

Sharon was the Head of Education of Options Studio Singapore and was responsible in training students and trainers of the company.

She was also a senior instructor of FLEX studio in Hongkong in 2007-2009

And as a Pilates trainer at B + B studio in the philippines from 2004-2007

She got her full certification with STOTT in Canada back in 2005.

Sharon earned her Instructor Trainer from STOTT PILATES in 2011 and PILATES ACADEMY INTERNATIONAL in 2013 .

Education and Training

  • The Pilates Method Alliance (PMA) - Teacher Certification ID: 15027 (2016)
  • Pilates Academy International (PAI) Master Instructor Trainer (2013)
  • Pilates Academy International Instructor (Level 1 & 2: Mat, Reformer, Cadillac, Chair and Barrels) (2012)
  • Pre/Post Rehabilitation Pilates by Pilates Academy International (2014)
  • Former STOTT PILATES® Instructor Trainer (2011)
  • STOTT PILATES® Instructor (Fully Certified); Injuries and Special Populations (2005)
  • Jungle Sports: Physio Educative 1 & 2 Instructor (2017)
  • The Center Method for Diastasis Recti Recovery by The Center for Women's Fitness (2016)
  • Master Trainer for SilkSuspension™ (2017) and CARDIOLATES® (2013)
  • Certified GYROTONIC level 1® (2013)
  • GYROTONIC LEVEL 2 (2017)
  • Certified GYROKINESIS LEVEL 1 (2016)
  • Certified Redcord Neurac Trainer (2010)

Areas of Expertise

  • Pilates Education
  • Pre/Post-Natal Pilates and Diastasis Recti Recovery
  • Pilates for Older Adults
  • Gyrotonic® and Gyrokinesis®
  • Post-Rehabilitation
  • Level 2 Pilates (Advanced)



Sonia left a 14 year long career in IT, where she worked as a wireless engineering professional, to make the career change to full-time Pilates instructor. Stressed out by the demands of her IT career plus moving 3 countries in 5 years, Sonia started practicing Pilates as a way to improve her physical and mental well-being and also to make some new friends in a new country. Impressed by how Pilates had changed her body and mind and also helped manage a chronic condition, Sonia felt compelled to learn more about the method so she could help others experience its transformative benefits.

Now with over 3000 hours of teaching and multiple certifications under her belt, Sonia is a fully qualified Pilates instructor specialized in teaching clients of all ages, abilities and special conditions. A big believer in bridging the gap between rehab and fitness, Sonia has guided clients through injury, pre and postnatal care towards fitness and their personal wellness goals.

Sonia truly believes that good posture never goes out of style and enjoys bringing fun and challenging workouts to her sessions so clients walk out feeling energized, taller and more confident.

Certifications and Workshops

  • Pilates Academy International Level 1 and 2 fully certified Mat, Reformer, Cadillac, Chair and Barrels
  • Pre/Post Rehabilitation Pilates by Pilates Academy International
  • Pre/Post-Natal Pilates by Pilates Academy International
  • The Center Method for Women's fitness: Pelvic floor specialist and Diastasis Recti Recovery
  • Golden Pilates (Pilates for seniors) by Pilates Academy International
  • Jungle Sports Suspension method: Physio educative 1 Instructor
  • Franklin Method workshop: Understanding the pelvic floor in three dimensions
  • Bachelors degree Engineering in Electronics and Telecommunication (First class Honors)

Areas of Expertise

  • Pre/Post-Natal Pilates and Diastasis Recti recovery
  • Post-rehab Pilates (Knee, Shoulder and Spinal conditions)
  • Pilates for fitness
  • Pilates for young and older adults



The reason why Koko started Pilates was that she wanted to strengthen her core.

However, she realized that not only did she become stronger, her physical and mental health improved. It was when she decided to commit to Pilates as her life work. She now has over 15 years of teaching experience, and she became the certified Master instructor in PAI.

Pilates is suitable for people of all ages and walks of life who desire to improve their physical mobility, strength, and overall health and wellbeing.

Koko aims to tailor her classes to everybody she is working with and enjoys getting to know each and every one of her clients.


レッスンを重ねるほど、筋力が鍛えられることだけでなく、身体や心のコンディションが上 がっていくことを感じ、それを人に伝えたいという気持ちからインストラクターになり、生 活にかかせないものとなりました。



ピラティスはどの世代の人達にも向きますし、それぞれの方の筋肉の強さ、モビリティをあ げるとともに、身体と心の健康状態も上げる力があることを伝えていくことをゴールとして います。そしてクラスを通して出会ったすべての人とのご縁に感謝し、楽しみながらその方 に合ったクラスを行うことを心がています。

Education and Training


  • Pilates Academy International (PAI)
  • Master Instructor Trainer (2018)
  • Pilates Academy International Fully Certified Level 1 and 2
  • Pre Post Rehabilitation Pilates by Pilates Internatonal Academy
  • STOTT Pilates Certified Level 1 and 2
  • STOTT Pilates Injury and Special Populations
  • Jungle Sports (PEI) Physio Educative 1& 2 Certified

Area of expertise


  • Pilates Education
  • Pre/Post natal and Diastasis Recti Recovery
    妊婦、経産婦 (腹直筋剥離の改善)
  • Pilates for all ages(from Kids to older)
  • Post Rehabilitation Pilates



Wilda loves to spread the joy of working out together in good form, focusing on quality more than quantity. She has been teaching since Nov 2017 till now and never look back since.

She believes that everyone is a “work in progress” that gets better each day. She loves helping people to feel and move better.

Pilates has brought her tremendous positive changes, physically and mentally; creating good body awareness, improving her posture, strength and flexibility. Pilates enables her do all the things that she loves to do with mindful movement.

Wilda believes that Pilates can be gentle and challenging at the same time. Pilates is suitable for everyone with different level of fitness as there are options available for everyone.

She believes that exercise generates “HAPPY hormones”! As what Joseph Pilates quoted, “Changes happen through movement and movement heals.” So, keep moving!

HAPPINESS to her is watching her clients' progress and moves better without pain, whether in daily life, post-rehab, workout, athletic performance or aging gracefully.

One of her favourite quote, “Don't expect a change if you don't make one. It doesn't get easier. You only get stronger”.

Certifications and Workshops

  • STOTT Pilates® Level 1 and 2 Fully Certified; Mat, Reformer, Cadillac, Chair and Barrel
  • Injuries & Special Populations
  • Prenatal & Postnatal
  • ACE accredited Certified Personal Trainer
  • Pilates BodyTree Reformer
  • Functional Core & From Waist Down Workshop by Fitness Australia
  • TRX® Qualified Suspension Trainer
  • Certified FRC® Mobility Specialists
  • Franklin Method Fascia Training for Lower Back
  • Polestar: Adaptations for Scoliosis Supporting the Teachings of Scroth Method
  • EBFA® Barefoot Training Specialist Level 1 & 2
  • DNS Exercise Course 1 by Rehabilitation Prague School
  • CPR & AED certified

Areas of Expertise

  • Building Body Awareness for Movement Freedom
  • Mobility and Strength
  • Pilates for Kids
  • Knee Care
  • Back Care
  • Scoliosis
  • Post Rehab Recovery
  • Seniors
  • Golf Conditioning
  • Group Classes



Vanessa started Pilates as a form of rehabilitation and conditioning for dance and started teaching Pilates in 2016. She is certified in PAI Mat and Reformer Pilates. She is also experienced in pre/post natal Pilates and post rehab Pilates.

Classically trained in ballet since 6, she is also a Registered Teacher under the Royal Academy of Dance and began her teaching career in 2015. She obtained the Certificate of Ballet Teaching Studies from the RAD in 2017.

Vanessa believes that Pilates provides her with a strong foundation of movement that allows her to enjoy various physical activities such as dance, strength and circuit training etc.

Certifications and Workshops

  • PAI Mat and Reformer Level 1 by PAI
  • Post Rehab Pilates by PAI
  • Pre/Post Natal Pilates by PAI

Other Qualifications

  • Certificate of Ballet Teaching Studies by Royal Academy of Dance (RAD)
  • Progressing Ballet Technique (PBT)
  • BA(Hons) Communication Studies

Areas of Expertise

  • Group Pilates Class
  • Pre/Post Natal Pilates
  • Post Rehab Pilates
  • Pilates for posture and fitness



Clara started practicing pilates in 2009 when she developed a backache weeks into her day job in Finance.

Today she still practices pilates weekly because it compliments her hobbies like mixed martial arts, hiking and adventure sports.

In 2019, Clara decided to train as a teacher to share the joy of focused, conscious movement with others.

Certifications and Workshops

  • STOTT PILATES ® Instructor certified in Level 1 Mat and Reformer
  • Pilates Academy International certified in All Populations Cadillac, Chair and Barrel Level 1
  • Centered Space Applied Childbirth Physiology + Pelvic Floor Intensive by Dewi Chen and Preet Singh
  • ⁠The Center for Women’s Fitness Pre-Natal and Post-Natal Mat and Pilates Equipment, and The Center Method for Diastasis Recti Recovery



Natalie is a passionate fitness enthusiast who fell in love with Pilates after experiencing its benefits in her performance and daily activities. This inspired her to become a certified instructor, enabling her to deepen her knowledge and share her passion with others, helping them to get stronger, healthier and improve their quality of life.

With her attentive and dynamic teaching style, Natalie creates a fun and challenging environment for her clients, motivating them to achieve their fitness goals while having a great time.

In addition to teaching Pilates, Natalie is also a certified Les Mills RPM™ group exercise instructor.

Certifications and trainings CECs workshops

Pilates Academy International

  • Anatomy, Biomechanics and Posture Analysis
  • All Populations Mat I
  • All Populations Reformer I
  • All Populations Reformer II
  • All Populations Mat II (Trained)
  • All Populations Cadillac, Chair & Barrel I & II (Trained)

BodyTree Academy

  • Pilates Reformer Teacher Training Program for Virgin Active
  • Spine Corrector Teacher Certification
  • Muscles Testing Workshop

Evidence Based Fitness Academy (EBFA)

  • Barefoot Training Specialist Level 1 & 2

Les Mills Asia Pacific

  • RPM™

Singapore Lifesaving Academy

  • CPR + AED

Areas of Expertise

  • Pilates for Fitness
  • Posture Improvement
  • Pilates for Beginners and Working Adults
  • Athletic Conditioning



Driven by experiences with sports-related injuries, Andrea embarked on her Pilates journey in 2015.

This transformative experience ignited in her a profound passion for mindful movement. Embracing the principles of Pilates, she is dedicated to imparting not only the physical benefits but also the holistic well-being that Pilates can offer.

She brings a unique perspective, drawing from empathy and clear communication and instructions.

She firmly believes in tailoring sessions to individual needs, ensuring that Pilates becomes a lifelong tool for enhancing mobility and overall wellness.

Aside from Pilates, Andrea also practices yoga and archery.

Certifications and trainings


Areas of Expertise

  • Pilates for fitness
  • Pilates for beginners
  • Athletic conditioning